Top Interesting Facts About Distance Learning


There are a lot of interesting facts about virtual education or distance learning. This is because this trend has gained ground in recent years thanks to technology and the time and space flexibility that it allows. Without further delay let’s take a look at the top interesting facts about distance learning that will really leave you shocked!

Amazing Growth Rate


Such is the popularity that distance learning has gained that the value of the eLearning market is expected to grow to $320 billion by 2025. And if we put e-learning trends into a larger context, thanks to the impact of the Internet the eLearning industry has grown by more than 900% since 2000.

94.7% of online students feel empowered and motivated to learn

In recent studies (2022) students affirmed this. In addition, 90.6% of them stated that through distance learning they have had the opportunity to learn something new. This is extremely valuable and is a sign that people are looking for more and more ways to train to enhance and strengthen their skills and competencies in a world that increasingly requires excellence from employees.

‍Online learning will be the preferred methodology of companies in the near future


According to several finance based sources, 93% of companies worldwide confirm that they will adopt online learning as a method in their companies. This is because it is an excellent way to train your employees in upskilling and reskilling, something that, in addition to contributing to the fulfillment of the company’s internal goals, allows it to be a much more competent company in terms of talent retention.

Employees have a genuine interest in training in soft skills

In a very recent study on corporate training (2022), more than 300 human resources managers were interviewed throughout Latin America to understand what changes training modalities have had, the budgets, the impacted variables, the challenges, etc; We discovered that 83% of those surveyed are more interested in soft skills in their business training plan, in topics such as communication, leadership, or persuasion, among others.

Companies using distance learning generate more revenue

Distance Learning Background

According to several tech based sources, distance learning has helped increase revenue for 42% of US organizations. Additionally, it is a methodology that also helps companies save resources, offering them an excellent learning method. The same portal claimed that IBM saved approximately $200 million USD after changing its teaching method to e-learning.